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Condor2 Tailwheel Fork

Condor2 Tailwheel Fork

Regular price $195.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $195.00 USD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Jim McKinstry

Quick shipping “.. easy install I haven’t flow with it yet. I will review when it is flown.

Lional Ward

This is my second one. These are very good tail wheel parts. I would say the best.
A&P for fifty-three years.

Excellent handling

Products look and feel excellent. Handling and sending of the order very well handled. Needed special handling for pickup, FlyBoys did a great job (swift and effective communication and delivered on the right time). Thanks a lot.

Anderson Dufty

A fantastic product but be sure to keep well on top on maintenance. I recently moved from my farm with a private grass strip to a regional city with a paved runway. While I thought I was keeping up with the lubrication of the assembly there must have been sufficient wear for a bit of grit to get in there and it quickly resulted in additional wear and a little slack in the pivot. That in turn has allowed the tail wheel to get a shimmy up on paved runways and that in turn can shred the tyre. My first tyre did well over 500 landings, the second did 10 and it was ruined. The third has done about 50 and I have now figured out what's going on. I've reinstalled the original Vans tail wheel which seems less inclined to shimmy, pending replacing the worn parts. Notwithstanding that little hiccup I'll have it all back up and running soon as I can get the parts. For all that inconvenience it is so much smoother, quieter and the taxi visability is significantly improved. Dunno why Vans don't have this as a standard part of their kits.

William W.

Love this tailwheel assembly. Provides smooth and positive landing control.